Merry Go Round

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Merry Go Round

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By Jellybean Television

A4 Song Book PDF


Front Cover PDF


By Jill Kemp. 40 minutes. 2 - 7 years.
Parents, Early Childhood Educators


and Junior Primary age.
Word Sheets with actions in song book


available for free downloads.
click on earphones for music clip.

1. Carnival Rides - Jill Kemp.
Circles - ribbons - movement.


2. Going Surfing - Jill Kemp.
Actions to a beat.
Water safety


3. Come To Our B. B. Q.
Counting backwards and dance.  
Simple subtraction
4. Lets Go Fishing - Jill Kemp.
Fun action counting.                                                 
Fish and chip parcel in newspaper.
5. Excavator - Traditional.                                                                                         
A favourite with boys!

6.. Picnic With Teddy - Jill Kemp.                                                                                
Teddy Bear Picnic.                                      
7. Hula With Me - Jill Kemp.                                                                                         
Fun action & Dance.  

Chords for Ukulele PDF  

8. One Day A Hand Went Walking
- Peter Carlton & Paul Read. © AMCOS.                                       
(Unable to display due to copyright)
Glove - Right Click to Save 


9. Donuts - Jill Kemp.                                                                                                  
Days of the week.  
10. Throwing and Catching - Jill Kemp.                                                                         
Bean bags, balls, socks whatever!
11. Draw On My Back - Jill Kemp.                                                                                  
Shapes - imagination. 
12. Flat Tyre - Jill Kemp.
 Screwing action                                      
Sit down and "bump",

13. Wind The Bobbin Up - Traditional.                                                                          
Using  left and right brain

14. Underneath - Jill Kemp. Not too fast.                                                                      
Can be used with scarves, lycra, parachute etc.

15. Sockathon - Jill Kemp.                                                                                            
Teaching children the skill of looking for something!
16. Every Day Of The Week - Jill Kemp.
Days of the week.                                            
17. Spots And Stripes - Jill Kemp.                                                                                   
Fun action song using spots and dots, stripes and lines.

18. Put On Your Glasses - Graeme Perkins.
Used by permission.                                    
Fun action song.

19. Cell phone Numbers - Jill Kemp.
Counting to 10 - forwards and backwards.              
Cell phone courtesy.
20. Off To The Moon - Jill Kemp. Fun action.
Counting backwards.                                 


Moon Picture - right click to save
Earth Picture - right to save 


21. Healthy Food - Jill Kemp.                                                                                         


Trendy music  

22. Kiwi Bird - Helen Willberg. Used by permission.                                                        
