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Fathers - Mothers Day Craft  PDF
Gift Tags (Bag Tags) - PDF

Pearls Of Wisdom for the bewildered male & his mate.

Pearls Of Wisdom:           PDF
Pearls Of Wisdom Cover: PDF


By Jellybean Television

Flipbooks, Songs and
Animated Videos.
Narrated for Desktops
and Laptops

For Children facing serious illness 

Brendan The Courageous
Animated by Jellybean Television
Derryck The Courageous b&w :  PDF -  Cover
Derryck The Courageous b&w :  PDF -  Booklet
Derryck The Courageous Col :    PDF -  Cover
Derryck The Courageous Col :    PDF -  Booklet
This comic booklet was written for a teenager
facing a rare cancer. It captured his imagination,
gave him courage and also inspired his family and siblings 
and was illustrated by Richard Gunther. 
* The name, place, illness etc can easily be changed to
suit the individual or to make it even easier just change last page.

Fonts: Arial and Creepy.


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