David And Goliath

New Jellybean Television

Video Song.
Additional Link for Power Points - Apple Keynote etc -


Stomp Goes Goliath SONG No. 2
Crocodile On The River Nile CD
Amazon Download
Words & Actions on Song Book Download No 2
David And Goliath. Col:           Publisher
David And Goliath Cover Col:   Publisher
David And Goliath  b&w:         Publisher


David And Goliath Cover b&w: Publisher


David And Goliath Col.   PDF    Booklet  Cover


David And Goliath b&w. PDF    Booklet  Cover


*Big Books, Screen etc


David And Goliath Col cover:           Download


David And Goliath Col cover Plain:   Download


David And Goliath Col Back cover:   Download


David And Goliath Col Big Book:       Download
David And Goliath b&w cover:         Download 


David And Goliath b&w cover Plain: Download


David And Goliath b&w Back cover: Download


David And Goliath b&w Big Book:    Download


Also One Page Story:
David And Goliath Col:   PDF


David And Goliath b&w: PDF


Additional Link for Power Points - Apple Keynote etc -


Activities for David:
1. David
2. David with sling
3. David & Goliath A3.


4. David & Goliath A4.
5. David & Sling B&W.


6. David & Sling Col.


7. David's Armour activity B&W.
8. David's Armour activity col.
9. David's Harp col.


10. David's Harp B&W.
11. David's pouch instructions col. 


12. David's pouch instructions B&W.
13. David's pouch pattern.
14. David's Pouch.  


15. David sings.
16. David's Harp B&W.
17. David's Harp Col.
18. David's Harp Activity Col.
19. David's Harp Activity
20. David's Harp x2 col.
21. David's Pouch.

22. David's Pouch Photo.


23. David's Sling col.


24. David's Sling B&W.


25. Five Stones Col.


26. Five Stones B&W.


27. Giants Col.