Bible Story Lessons
Return to Main Home Page for more Resources
Preschool  Kids Church / Sunday School Classes etc.
Teaching Resources  through the main Bible Stories.
Teaching preschool children well takes preparation!
Get help from seniors or others in your church. 
            Even older children can help.
            Simple, visual and not too long. 
Use with resources that you may already have.
A few ideas:
* Every family in my class get a free Noah's Ark CD
available from Itunes
songs stay in their heart for their life.
* Every child gets a "Small Picture Bible For Pre-schoolers"
 see below. 
* I have made a Big Book of this, with Velcro pictures.
In the lesson plans this is called "My Bible." 
Children love interactive props and take turns to put them on.
* Every child hears that Jesus loves them regularly 
either with a puppet saying their name ,
 "David Jesus loves you."
Or use a mirror:  "Can you see who Jesus loves?
Yes! Jesus loves David." 
* A fun take home activity that reflects the story.
* A booklet of the story - parents read this and learn too!
* I begin with a standing up fun action song.
The next songs the children usually sit for. 
The words are at the end of the Lesson Plans for your


The lesson includes 3 fun action songs from Noah's Ark CD
An action rhyme or finger play - often from Noah's Ark CD.
Simple Bible verse 
Story Activity related to Bible story
it helps them to remember.
They use these to play "church" at home. 
Make story visual and have variety.
I have found it easier to establish a routine
for the lesson time where toys are out of reach
or else to teach in a toy free room.
We have very young children who stay for the story
if they are  settled. Usually they soon get interested in


the fun props. 
We encourage parents to sit in class with them if necessary
or take them to another area. 
I have a mat or cushions where the children
get used to going to for story time. 
Snap the story along quickly to keep the children focused.
Their concentration is short at this level. 
(my class is 18 months to 5 years.)
Do the story in a variety of ways:
for example use dolls which act the story, use drama 
we all join in - a book, flash cards, magnet board,
story on ice block sticks,
attach pictures to pegs on a line.
Make a Big Book. Flip puppet which can 
flip up or drop characters down.
Use the puppets from web.
For a change make them stand
by sticking to a little box or stand in a slit. 
There is no one way fits all! Just use the ideas
that work for you and add your own style and props.
* If this material is useful, or you have suggestions, 
we would love to hear from you!


* Lesson Plans: 


Accompanying booklets available


Activities also available beside story Booklets


Contact us if you are looking for any particular activity


[email protected]



Old Testament Books Here



Teachers Prop - Large Big Bible


A4 Book
Cover  A4
* Lesson Plan : The Bible -        PDF


* Lesson Plan Creation (part 1): PDF


Day & Night


* Lesson Plan Creation (part 2): PDF


World Wheel 1    World Wheel 2
World Wheel b&w


* Old Testament. 
Adam & Eve Don't Touch That Tree   PDF


No 1.  No 2.  No 3.  No 4.  No 5
Adam & Eve Props  Adam Cupie Doll Eve Cupie Doll




Adam Col  b&w  Fig Leaf Stick on:  Col  b&w



Fold around:  Col  b&w



Eve Col  b&w  Fig leaf stick on:  Col  b&w



Fold around:  Col  b&w



Noah part 1    PDF




Noah's Ark Cute   Ark & Rainbow Col   Ark & Rainbow B&W
Noah & Wife Col   Noah & Wife B&W   Ark & Door Col 
Ark & Door B&W
Noah & Wife Rainbow Cut Outs Col   Ark & Plank Cute Col
Rainbow Thank you Cards Col
Rainbow Thank you Cards B&W   Ark Threading Activity
Noah & Wife Rainbow Cut Outs B&W
Noah part 2    PDF


Activities: As Above

Joseph's coat  PDF


Joseph Activity 1  Activity 2  Activity 3  Activity 4










* Joseph Helps His Brothers  PDF




Corn Bags Josephs Egypt Costumes Col  b&w


Joseph Col   b&w

*  Baby Moses Part 1  PDF



Basket Col & B&W  Hippo Col  b&w Princess Col  b&w


Snake Col  b&w   Stork Col  b&w


Baby Moses Part 2   PDF


Activities: As Above


Moses - The Red Sea  PDF



Moses Folding Activity Col  Moses Folding Activity b&w

Folding Activity Photo   Chariots Activity Col  b&w


Moses - Follow The Cloud   PDF


Cloud Big Folding -  Cloud 1   Cloud 2
Cloud 3   Cloud 4   Cloud 5
Cloud 6 Col   Cloud 7 B&w
Pillar of fire - Fire Big 1   Fire 2   Fire 3


*  Manna - Bread From Heaven  PDF
Manna Activity Page   Page 1 Col


Page 2 b&w  No 3 Col  No 4 b&w


Bowl Empty Col  Bowl Empty b&w


Manna Gathering Col   Manna Gathering b&w



* The Ten Commandments:  PDF
* Old T  Mission Money  PDF
* Old T  David Looks after his sheep.  PDF


Activities - David.


David Looks After the Sheep
* Old T  David The Lion & The Bear  PDF


Activities - David.

  • AS above

  • * Old T  David And Goliath   PDF


    Activities - David.

     David And Goliath

    * Old T  Daniel In The Lions Den   PDF


    Lion mask cut out



    Wheel Activity:
    Daniel Wheel Col
    Daniel Wheel b&w
    Wheel Front Col   Wheel Base Col
    Wheel Col plain   Wheel Base Col plain
    Wheel Front b&w   Wheel Base b&w
    Wheel b&w plain   Wheel Base b&w plain 


    * Old T  Jonah Tries To Run Away Part 1  PDF



    Jonah Activity Folding Col  Fish Activity Col Fish Activity b&w
    Jonah Fish Folding b&w  Jonah Col  Jonah b&w


    * Old T  Jonah Tries To Run Away Part 2  PDF

    Activities as above.

    * Old T  Oil That Never Runs Out:   PDF


    * Old T  Hannah's Prayer  PDF
    Praying Hands Front  Praying Hands Back



    Boy Samuels Head
    * Old T  Samuel Hears From God.   PDF
    Samuel hears Col  b&w
    Bed: Col  b&w  b&w  Col

    * Old T. Gideon's Fleece   PDF


    New Testament  Books Here


    Activities also available beside story Booklets



    * Jesus was a child like me   PDF



    * When Jesus Was A Boy He Went To Church   PDF



    * Jesus Loves Me    PDF
    Activity1  Activity2  Activity Activity4


    Activity Activity6



    * Love One Another  PDF



    * Jesus Goes To a Wedding (Water into wine)   PDF


    * The Prodigal Son  PDF



    * The Boy shares his lunch  PDF


     * The Good Samaritan  PDF


     Folding Craft x3



    * Zacchaeus - Climbs a tree  PDF


    Activity1  Activity2  Activity3  Activity4


    * Blind Bartimaeus    PDF


     Activity1   Activity Activity Activity Activity5



    * The House On The Rock   PDF



    * Jesus Calms The Storm PDF



    * The Silly Greedy Farmer  PDF  


    * The Two Builders    PDF



    Build on the Rock - Col  b&w



    House Page Col   House Page Words



    Cute House Col   b&w



    * Down through the roof  PDF


    Activity1  Activity 1 b&w



    Activity2 Activity2 b&w Activity3



    Activity4 Instructions



    * She Just reached Out  PDF


    Activity  Activity b&w



    Hand Sticker



    * Bent Over   PDF



    * Fishing with Peter  PDF 



    Activities -


    Empty full net - Fishing activity -


    Net & Fish - Page of fishes  Sliding activity



    b&w - Cut out - Sliding activity -


    Empty Net - Net Full Page of fishes


    * The Lost Sheep - Precious Lamb   PDF
    Activity:  PDF
    * The Lost Sheep   PDF




    Page of Lamb activities   PDF


    Lamb Cord Leg Activity
    Paper Bag Puppet  PDF



    * The Leper says thank you   PDF
    * The Woman By The Well   PDF



    Well wall Col   Well wall b&w



    * Palm Sunday:


    Jesus Rides A Donkey To Church   PDF


    John The Baptist   PDF
    Activity1Col  Activity1b&w  Instructions
    Activity2Col  Activity2b&w  John in River Col



    John in River b&w  This is My Beloved Son Col



    This is My Beloved Son b&w



    Jesus & Dove Col   Jesus & Dove b&w  Beehive Rhyme



    Bees Col


    Bees b&w 


    * Jairus's Daughter    PDF
    Activity1Col  Activity1b&w Activity2Col  Activity2b&w



    PDF Download


    * Peter Walks On The Water    PDF


    Men From Boat



    * Two Small Coins    PDF


    * Timothy Loves God      PDF



    * If Jesus Came To My House    PDF



    * Parable Of The Ten Talents - The Good Worker   PDF
    * Rose and Daisy - Tell The Truth -Stealing -


    Jealousy      PDF
    Tell The truth Activity Col    PDF



    Tell The Truth Activity b&w   PDF


    Rose & Daisy Graphics   Daisy Puppet


    Daisy Stick Puppet


    Rose Puppet  Rose Stick Puppet


    * Parable of the Sower    PDF



    * Mathew Follows Jesus    PDF



    * Fishermen Follow Jesus   PDF



    * Washing Feet     PDF
    Activity 2 B&W  Activity 2 Col



    * The Last Supper   PDF


    * Visitors Week, God Made Me    PDF



    * Bible Stories Revisited    PDF



    * Extra Program 1 - After Christmas -


    The Best Present:    PDF

    Activity: Presents Col   Presents b&w 


    * Extra Program 2 - Be a Kind Friend:    PDF
    * Extra Program 3 - God Is Everywhere      PDF



    * Holiday Program 5 - Jesus Your Forever Friend:     PDF



    * Holiday Program 6 -



    God Made Everything- Butterflies and YOU!:    PDF


      * Christmas Part 1: Donkey to Bethlehem -   PDF



       Born in a stable.
      * Christmas Part 2: Angel's and Shepherds.   PDF


    * Christmas Part 3:  Wise men bring Presents.  PDF


    * Christmas Part 4: Wise Men visit the King Herod.  PDF


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