The words are at the end of the Lesson Plans for your
- The lesson includes 3 fun action songs from Noah's Ark CD
- An action rhyme or finger play - often from Noah's Ark CD.
- Simple Bible verse
- Prayer
- Story Activity related to Bible story
- it helps them to remember.
- They use these to play "church" at home.
- Make story visual and have variety.
- I have found it easier to establish a routine
- for the lesson time where toys are out of reach
- or else to teach in a
toy free room.
- We have very young children who stay for the
- if they are settled.
Usually they soon get
interested in
- the fun props.
- We encourage parents to sit in class with them if necessary
- or take
them to another area.
- I have a mat or cushions where the children
- get used to going to for story time.
- Snap the story along quickly to keep the
children focused.
- Their concentration is short at this level.
- (my
class is 18 months to 5 years.)
- Do the story in a variety of ways:
- for example
use dolls which act the story, use drama
- we all join in - a
book, flash cards, magnet board,
- story on ice block sticks,
- attach
pictures to pegs on a line.
- Make a Big Book. Flip puppet which can
- flip up or drop characters down.
- Use the puppets from web.
- For a change make them stand
- by sticking to a
little box or stand in a slit.
- There is no one way fits all! Just use the
- that work for you and add your own style and props.
- * If this material is useful, or you
have suggestions,
- we would love to hear from you!